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Getting Smarter through Language

Practice 4 (Intermediate) | Expressions using “Another” and “Other”


In this exercise, you are presented with a series of scenarios. Based on this lesson, select the best response to the scenario.

Each response uses one of the expressions covered in the lesson (link opens in a new tab).

When you are finished, click “Answer.”

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Scenario 1. You keep giving your friend Jack advice, but he ends up doing whatever he wants anyway. The next time he asks for advice, what could you say?

  1. Don’t ask me! You seem to be living on another planet, Jack.
  2. Don’t ask me! It’s in one ear and out the other with you, Jack.
  3. Don’t ask me! We’re at each other’s throats, Jack.

b. Don’t ask me! It’s one ear and out the other with you, Jack.

Scenario 2. Someone says your mother is a dentist and your father is a doctor. Actually, your mother is a doctor, and your father is a dentist. What do you say to them?

  1. Actually, it’s every other way.
  2. Actually, it’s one way or another.
  3. Actually, it’s the other way around.

c. Actually, it’s the other way around.

Scenario 3. You have been having different problems almost every day this week. You complain to someone by saying what?

  1. It’s been one thing after another this week.
  2. I have another thing coming this week.
  3. One man’s meat is another man’s poison this week.

a. It’s been one thing after another this week.

Scenario 4. You are attending a concert featuring a surprise guest performer. The announcer takes the stage and announces that it is Beyoncé! What does the announcer say?

  1. One way or another, our guest performer tonight is Beyoncé!.
  2. I’m pleased to announce that our guest performer is none other than Beyoncé.
  3. Ladies and gentlemen, we will live to fight another day tonight because we have Beyoncé as our guest performer.

b. I’m pleased to announce that our guest performer is none other than Beyoncé.

Scenario 5. Two coworkers, Emily and Alexander, have been assigned to work together. Very quickly, they start disagreeing on everything. They frequently argue loudly and get in the way of each other’s work. How would you describe what has been going on with them?

  1. They have another thing coming.
  2. They’re each living on another planet.
  3. They’ve been at each other’s throats.

c. They’ve been at each other’s throats.

Scenario 6. You have been working on an important project at work. On Monday, you find out that the first part of the project is incorrect, so you have to redo it. On Tuesday, your boss gives you extra work even though the project is already late. On Wednesday, you never receive the information you needed for the project. On Thursday and Friday, other problems come up. How would you describe your experience with the project so far?

  1. This has been none other than the most important project in your career.
  2. This project has been one problem after another.
  3. This project is the other way around so far.

b. This project has been one problem after another.

(Alternative c makes no sense as “the other way around" is being misused in the sentence.)

Scenario 7. Your car broke down a few days ago, but you do not remember when (or perhaps the exact date is unimportant). You tell a friend what happened. What would you say?

  1. My car broke down or something or other, so I had to get it fixed.
  2. My car was one man’s meat and another man’s problem.
  3. My car broke down the other day, so I had to get it fixed.

c. My car broke down the other day, so I had to get it fixed.

Scenario 8. A neighbor tells you he hates your neighborhood. He complains about the children living there, but you think it is great that so many young families live there. He says the birds wake him up in the morning, but you think it’s great that there are so many trees and birds in the neighborhood. He complains that the local supermarket is too small, but you love that it’s never very crowded. How would you describe the difference of opinion between you and your neighbor?

  1. One man’s meat is another man’s poison.
  2. That’s another story.
  3. He has his mind on other things.

a. One man’s meat is another man’s poison.

Scenario 9. Someone asks you what you and your friend were just talking about. You do not want to go into any details. What do you say?

  1. Oh, we were chatting about this and that.
  2. We were talking about one after the other. Nothing important.
  3. We were just talking the other way around.

a. Oh, we were chatting about this and that. Nothing really important.

Scenario 10. You need to focus on your work, but you keep getting distracted because you keep thinking about everything you need to do later that day. Someone notices and asks what is wrong. What do you answer?

  1. It’s about this, that, and the other. Not really important.
  2. It’s just something or other. Nothing to worry about.
  3. Nothing’s wrong. I just have my mind on something else.

c. Nothing’s wrong. I just have my mind on other things.

Sentence 11. John just told you that he plagiarized his essay. He copied entire portions of the essay from the internet instead of writing it himself. You know that his professor is very good at detecting plagiarism and commonly fails students for plagiarizing their essays. What do you say to John?

  1. If I were you, I’d be really careful. You may have it the other way around.
  2. If you think you’re going to get away with it, you have another thing coming.
  3. If your professor finds out, you’ll be at each other’s throats.

b. If you think you’re going to get away with it, you have another thing coming.

Scenario 12. You are running out of time to finish an essay. You know it is going to be very tight, but you have no choice. Unless you turn it in on time, you will fail the course. What would you say?

  1. I’ll find the time to write the essay and something or other.
  2. I’ll finish the essay one way or another.
  3. I live to fight another day.


More Practice

Practice 1. Exercise using simple sentences. (this page)

Practice 2. Exercise using more complex sentences.

Practice 3. Exercise using complex sentences.

Practice 4. Exercise focusing on expressions using “another” and “other.” (this page)

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