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Getting Smarter through Language

Practice 2. The Simple Sentence:
Combining Phrases and Clauses

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Based on this lesson about phrases and this lesson about dependent and independent clauses, combine the following dependent clauses with phrases and independent clauses.

Multiple sentences can be correct.

Example 1

That man used to be my teacher.

  • sitting in the back of the room.
  • in high school.

Your Answer: That man sitting in the back of the room used to be my teacher in high school.

Example 2

People believe in ghosts.

  • in the United States
  • nearly half of the people
  • according to a recent study.

Your Answer: According to a recent study, nearly half of the people in the United States believe in ghosts.

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PDF Handout

1. Scientists are researching a treatment.

  • at Johns Hopkins University
  • a new treatment
  • a treatment for diabetes
Your Sentence:

Your Sentence: Scientists at Johns Hopkins University are researching a new treatment for diabetes.

Also possible: Scientists are researching a new treatment for diabetes at Johns Hopkins University.

2. Working from home requires planning and discipline.

  • a great deal of planning
  • a great deal of discipline
  • without getting distracted
  • so that you can focus on your tasks
Your Sentence:

Your Sentence: Working from home requires a great deal of planning and discipline so that you can focus on your tasks without getting distracted.

Also Possible: So that you can focus on your tasks without getting distracted, working from home requires a great deal of planning and discipline.

3. Following instructions is important.

  • particularly in an online course
  • when you complete an assignment
Your Sentence:

Your Sentence: Following instructions is important when you complete an assignment, particularly in an online course.

Also Possible: Particularly in an online course, following instructions is important when you complete an assignment.

Also Possible: When you complete an assignment, following instructions is important, particularly in an online course.

4. Adults can be bullies.

  • in many situations
  • common situations
  • although we associate bullying with children
  • school aged children
Your Sentence:

Your Sentence: although we associate bullying with school-aged children, adults can be bullies in many common situations.

Also possible: Adults can be bullies in many common situations although we associate bullying with school-aged children.

5. Learning takes effort.

  • a great deal of effort
  • learning a new language
  • learning from scratch
  • in the first few years
Your Sentence:

Your Sentence: Learning a new language from scratch takes a great deal of effort in the first few years.

6. The neighbors called. the police.

  • after they heard screaming
  • screaming coming from the house
  • afraid that something was wrong
Your Sentence:

Your Sentence: Afraid that something was wrong, the neighbors called the police after they heard screaming coming from the house.


7. Brazil has experienced turmoil.

  • in recent years
  • the largest country in South America
  • political turmoil
  • economic turmoil
Your Sentence:

Your Sentence: The largest country in South America, Brazil has experienced political and economic turmoil in recent years.

Also possible: Brazil, the largest country in South America, has experienced political and economic turmoil in recent years.

8. A group of parents has met with officials.

  • to discuss the problem
  • school officials
  • concerned about their children’s behaviors
  • online behaviors
Your Sentence:

Your Sentence: A group of parents concerned about their children’s online behaviors has met with school officials to discuss the problem.

Also Possible: Concerned about their children’s online behaviors, a group of parents has met with school officials to discuss the problem.

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